Eastside Gateway
Location: A triangular area within East University Avenue, SE 15th Street and SE Hawthorne Road.
Start Date: 2008
Key Partners: Zamia Design, Anglin Construction
Estimated Completion Date: 2009
Available Funding: $316,016

Situated on a wedge-shaped parcel at the intersection of Hawthorne Road and University Avenue, the former Tackle Box property is a highly visible site with the potential to serve as a prominent neighborhood feature. However, redevelopment opportunities for the site were severely limited due to serious accessibility obstacles and environmental contamination issues. Working within these constraints, the CRA pursued a thoughtful, context-sensitive strategy that transformed the vacant property into an attractive landscaped median that functions as a gateway feature to the Eastside of Gainesville. The CRA’s design provides an eye-catching, high quality fixture that lends prominence to the Eastside and is indicative of the exciting reinvestment opportunities in this area.